Brittany Brinegar

Jun 22 min

Top 7

New York City Sitcoms

Watching TV isn't considered procrastinating when you're doing research. And in preparation for my upcoming release of Big Apple Murder, I'm watching all my favorite New York based sitcoms. So, this week, let's break down my favorites!

7. The Nanny – Upper East Side

Fran has a hilariously memorable voice, excellent physical comedy, and was clearly influenced by Lucille Ball. And the theme song is terrific!

6. Becker – Bronx

I’m new to this show but it’s quickly moving up my list. Ted Danson is great in everything he does.

5. King of Queens – Queens

Doug messes up. Carrie yells. Arthur is weird. Need I say more?

4. Friends – Greenwich Village/Manhattan

Why has no one taken advantage of ‘Central Perk’ and opened a real coffee shop in NYC?

3. Dick Van Dyke Show – Manhattan office, New Rochelle home

Rob, Laura, Buddy, Sally, Millie, Jerry… What a cast!

2. Seinfeld – Upper West Side

I’m flexible with my ranking of 2 & 3 but the edge goes to Seinfeld because it was more New York centric.

1.  I Love Lucy – Upper East Side

Any list featuring my favorite TV shows starts and stops with I Love Lucy. So of course it’s my #1 NYC sitcom. Was there every any doubt?

Honorable Mentions


Doesn’t quite count because Darrin’s workplace was in Manhattan but their home was in Connecticut

Everybody Loves Raymond

So, am I the only one who gets the boroughs and surrounding cities a tad mixed up? Raymond takes place in Long Island, not one of the five boroughs.

The Jeffersons

I grew up watching old sitcoms on TV Land but I never saw much of the Jeffersons. But what I did see was hilarious. And who doesn’t love that theme song? “Moving on up…”

All in the Family

Similarly to the Jeffersons, I’ve only seen a few episodes here and there. But it has another classic theme song.


Included by my dad’s recommendation. I’ve only seen clips because this show hasn’t been in syndication. It originally aired as a live show and was recorded off the broadcast so the quality is quite poor.

Did I leave out one of your favorites?

Comment below with your Top 7 NYC sitcoms.

Stay tuned for next week's Top 7 when I detail my favorite NYC dramas!
